A Digital World for All

I will talk about digital inclusion and its value. I think we need to start conversations about the barriers that the digital world is setting for many people and what impact this can have in their self-esteem, social inclusion and active participation into their communities.

Working for a local charity in Glasgow with kids and young people from deprived areas, digital inclusion has become one of our priorities. We are aware of the lack of skills and access which means that, for instance, we have to encourage young people to come to the office to make their CV and we educate them on basic tools that they might need to use in future jobs.

Not only that, but digital inclusion also means that we have had to re-think how we communicate to ensure that our multiple audiences can access our services and receive the information and details that they need to know about. That means to always think out of the box and keep our service users in mind.

I would like to talk about the value of digital inclusion for all companies and share my experience, some of the difficulties and break some of the most common assumptions. I think it is important to break the barriers that are separating so many people from being part of the conversation and raise awareness of the challenges they face. In times when everything is digital, there is something fun and beautiful about coming back to other forms of communication, as well as allowing the access to the digital world to those who are struggling.
